Monday, 24 November 2014

November 2014

Friday 21 November

Present: Iain, Berno, Daniel, PW, John
Absent: Christopher

Tonight the 'old PLs' and seconds got to scouts early to have a COH. It was decided that berats and unifom short pants will be worn next year.
We than had opening perade and Josie ran the programme. We were given a map of the area and we had to find bases that were on the map. The bases were all at different locations and a different task had to be done at each. We had to to do knotting, lashings, stalking, mapping and ground to air signals. It was losts of fun as we all rushed around finding the different bases and we had to complete each in under 10 minutes.
At the end of the evening these were the final scores: 3rd Seagulls, 2nd Seals/Albatrosses, 1st Penguins and they recieved a large reward of easter eggs.
Another very well run programme by Josie!

Saturday, 15 November 2014

November 2014

Friday 14 November

Present: Iain, Berno, PW, John
Absent: Christopher, Daniel

Tonight the program was run by Frans, Dirk and Bryn. We had to make hamburgers from scratch, we were just given bread dough, raw mince and were told to make a burger sauce with the ingredients we had brought.
We had to do our cooking on the fire, but it was pouring with rain and we had a tight dead-line. We ended up running around like crazy tying to cook the ingredients alternating from the fire to the gas stove (where we had no oil or butter to fry the patties on)
Everyone's burgers ended up being burned on the outside and raw on the inside. Our sauce was really good though, it was a mixture of hot sauce and chutney. The burgers didn't turn out that bad in the end, the judges summoned us in we presented the burgers nicely on a plate with a steamy cup of hot chocolate. They were quite impressed (the hot spices must have blocked out the burned/ raw tastes)
I than said a quick yarn on my community service and friendship activities with the patrol.
We then had flag down they announced the winners: 1st Seagulls, 2nd Albatrosses and 3rd Seals/Penguins
We were really happy that we got second, with our hard work.
A very good and well run program.

November 2014

Sunday 9 November

Poppy day (11-11)

Once a year we gather as scouts (and cubs) to honour all of those who have died in the wars on the Sunday closest to poppy day.

We form up on parade along with the army, NSRI and the MOTHs. Numerous parties than lay wreaths around the memorial. Josie and Elizabeth then went up lay down our wreath.

Speeches were than made and scouts and cubs began to get a bit weary in the sun, but they were all happy to receive ice-cream afterwards.

November 2014

Friday 7 November

Present: Iain, Berno, John, PW, Christopher
Absent: Daniel

Today we had a PL swap, I as patrol leader went to last rank and my second and P3 Iain and Berno took the place of PL and second. This is to remain for a month to see how well they lead and if they will be good PLs.

It was the AGM and we normally have a braai evening with the all the parents and committee members. We split into two groups, the one had to prepare a wreath for the memorial parade and the other had to prepare fires for the masses of meat that had been brought.

Everyone enjoyed a meal on the fires we had prepared. The wreath was beautiful with purple and white flowers.The evening was greatly enjoyed by all who were there.
We than had flag down and I'm sure everyone arrived home well fed.