Friday 21 November
Present: Iain, Berno, Daniel, PW, John
Absent: Christopher
Tonight the 'old PLs' and seconds got to scouts early to have a COH. It was decided that berats and unifom short pants will be worn next year.
We than had opening perade and Josie ran the programme. We were given a map of the area and we had to find bases that were on the map. The bases were all at different locations and a different task had to be done at each. We had to to do knotting, lashings, stalking, mapping and ground to air signals. It was losts of fun as we all rushed around finding the different bases and we had to complete each in under 10 minutes.
At the end of the evening these were the final scores: 3rd Seagulls, 2nd Seals/Albatrosses, 1st Penguins and they recieved a large reward of easter eggs.
Another very well run programme by Josie!