Tuesday, 19 August 2014

August 2014

Friday 15 August

Present: John, Berno, P.W ( new boy Pieter-Willem)
Absent: Iain, Matthew, Megan, Daniel

This Friday it was a mad dash for Gordons. We fell in as Gordon patrols:

Team #1: John, Mitch, Iain, Frans, Berno, Matthew, Fabio, George
(but it was only Mitch Frans and Berno and myself present)
Team #2: Jana, Bryn, Dirk, Loedewyk, Kayleigh,Martin, Jayden, Damian

We grabbed all the equipment that our patrol needed, we cleaned pots and pans, we gathered together staves and ropes. Then we stopped and were told to grab an item and go to the hall. There P.W was on a seat with a blindfold on, all the objects were scattered around and the lights were switched off. We had to make it to the other side without P.W 'shooting' us with his torch and while trying to avoid various obstacles that we had brought with us. After we had, had several rounds and P.W had slayed us with his accuracy we went back to getting ready for Gordons until the end of the evening.

August 2014

Friday 8 August

Present: John, Berno
Absent: Iain, Megan, Christopher, Matthew, Daniel

This Friday we did a program that had been planned for a long time and that we were really looking foward to.
We started by explaining to the scouts that that they were stuck on a desert island. We showed them how to signal to a helicopter and get supplies. We than told them that one of our members was injured and needed assistance with our supplies. The person, who we had dressed up before the time had multiple injuries including a possible broken neck, we showed our patrols how to move them to safety correctly. We than as patrol leaders were subjected to very rigorous questioning and once they had finished Puma said a yarn and we had flag down.
Another great end to another great Friday!

Sunday, 10 August 2014

August 2014

Friday 1 August

Present: John, Iain, Berno, Daniel
Absent: Matthew, Megan, Christopher, Sheldon

I had a chess tournament this Friday, so Mitch, Berno, Fransie and myself came late to scouts, but it started with a "circle game where one person was 'it', the 'it' person walk round the circle and then place a scarf in the hands of a random person, random person then hits person to their right with the scarf. The assaulted then need to run round the circle to return to their place whilst fleeing the attacker. Once assaulted returns to their place they are safe, the attacker then walks round the circle and places the scarf in a random person's hands. Dirk was attacked most. We then had a short yarn about how the Friday meetings/ camps / activities are planned by the COH and how the PL's are responsible for guarding the honour of the troop. We than went to the hall and had a quick competition about making the six basic knots and building a stable tripod, the Seals won. When than went back to the hut and Rachell said a yarn on Shackleton, which was very interesting, after that we went back to the hall and played a ridiculous game of free - for - all with a ball and we just had to protect our tripods from the ball and the other charging patrols. We than had flag down and the end of another lovely evening.