Friday 25 July 2014
Present: John, Berno, Sheldon
Absent: Iain, Matthew, Megan, Daniel, Christopher
I brought a friend to scouts, Sheldon he is very keen and may be invested. We started with flag parade in the cubs hall as they were out and we could use the hall.
We also played games there and started with a game where we were divided into two teams and we each had separate numbers and as our pairs were called out we had to compete with cardboard and a sponge or a traffic cone or rope over the line to get a goal it was very physical, but fun. Then we did a debriefing of all the activities that we did during the holiday and Puma said a yarn. We finally played one more game of North, South, East, West with a twist (which Sheldon won) and then we had flag down. (also in the hall) It was a great end to a great Friday!