Monday, 24 November 2014

November 2014

Friday 21 November

Present: Iain, Berno, Daniel, PW, John
Absent: Christopher

Tonight the 'old PLs' and seconds got to scouts early to have a COH. It was decided that berats and unifom short pants will be worn next year.
We than had opening perade and Josie ran the programme. We were given a map of the area and we had to find bases that were on the map. The bases were all at different locations and a different task had to be done at each. We had to to do knotting, lashings, stalking, mapping and ground to air signals. It was losts of fun as we all rushed around finding the different bases and we had to complete each in under 10 minutes.
At the end of the evening these were the final scores: 3rd Seagulls, 2nd Seals/Albatrosses, 1st Penguins and they recieved a large reward of easter eggs.
Another very well run programme by Josie!

Saturday, 15 November 2014

November 2014

Friday 14 November

Present: Iain, Berno, PW, John
Absent: Christopher, Daniel

Tonight the program was run by Frans, Dirk and Bryn. We had to make hamburgers from scratch, we were just given bread dough, raw mince and were told to make a burger sauce with the ingredients we had brought.
We had to do our cooking on the fire, but it was pouring with rain and we had a tight dead-line. We ended up running around like crazy tying to cook the ingredients alternating from the fire to the gas stove (where we had no oil or butter to fry the patties on)
Everyone's burgers ended up being burned on the outside and raw on the inside. Our sauce was really good though, it was a mixture of hot sauce and chutney. The burgers didn't turn out that bad in the end, the judges summoned us in we presented the burgers nicely on a plate with a steamy cup of hot chocolate. They were quite impressed (the hot spices must have blocked out the burned/ raw tastes)
I than said a quick yarn on my community service and friendship activities with the patrol.
We then had flag down they announced the winners: 1st Seagulls, 2nd Albatrosses and 3rd Seals/Penguins
We were really happy that we got second, with our hard work.
A very good and well run program.

November 2014

Sunday 9 November

Poppy day (11-11)

Once a year we gather as scouts (and cubs) to honour all of those who have died in the wars on the Sunday closest to poppy day.

We form up on parade along with the army, NSRI and the MOTHs. Numerous parties than lay wreaths around the memorial. Josie and Elizabeth then went up lay down our wreath.

Speeches were than made and scouts and cubs began to get a bit weary in the sun, but they were all happy to receive ice-cream afterwards.

November 2014

Friday 7 November

Present: Iain, Berno, John, PW, Christopher
Absent: Daniel

Today we had a PL swap, I as patrol leader went to last rank and my second and P3 Iain and Berno took the place of PL and second. This is to remain for a month to see how well they lead and if they will be good PLs.

It was the AGM and we normally have a braai evening with the all the parents and committee members. We split into two groups, the one had to prepare a wreath for the memorial parade and the other had to prepare fires for the masses of meat that had been brought.

Everyone enjoyed a meal on the fires we had prepared. The wreath was beautiful with purple and white flowers.The evening was greatly enjoyed by all who were there.
We than had flag down and I'm sure everyone arrived home well fed.

Saturday, 25 October 2014

October 2014

Friday 24 October

Present: Iain, Daniel, Christopher, John
Absent: Matthew, Berno, PW

Tonight I ran the programme, it was about mapping. We started with a game in the hall: North, South, East, West. The scouts than had to find different bearings from different places in line of sight from the scout hall. They than they did a big wide game where each patrol was given a street to find and the had to take bearings to the street, all while trying to avoid Felix, Puma, Viper and myself who wanted to 'kill' them.
The seals did very well and were first back to report to me. The penguins were next who did an excellent job of avoiding us and getting many bearings, so the seals and penguins both shared a first prize of lollipops. We than played a final game in which Puma flung a robe around and we had to jump over it as it came around.
It was a great end to another great evening!

October 2014

Friday 17 October

Present: Iain, Berno, Daniel, Christopher, PW, John
Absent: Matthew

Today we had very special guests from Australia, that come every year Tristan, Freye and their troop scouter/ father Trout.

We had a lovely evening planned by Josie, it was to create awareness for disabled people. we had different bases. 
At Puma's base we had to wash a cup with one hand, fastened buttons without fingers, we had to write our name with anything but our hands and we had to tie our shoes without looking at them.
At Trout's base we had to build a tripod without talking to each other and with everyone blindfolded but the Patrol Leader.
At Josie's base the patrol members had to lip read a message from the patrol leader and we had to read a message in a mirror.
At Felix's base everyone was blindfolded except the patrol leader and everyone had to do an obstacle course and we had to hold a line and identify objects on the line. We also had to fall-in blind.
At the end of the evening I invited some senior scouts and the Australian scouts to a sleep over in the hall as a friendship activity. We had hotdogs and coffee and tea, we played mafia and cards. The next morning we had cornflakes and left.

It was a great evening, that we enjoyed until the next morning.

Friday, 12 September 2014

August 2014

Friday 22 August

Present: John, Iain, Matthew, Berno, Christopher, PW
Absent: Daniel

This Friday was another mad dash for Gordons, to get any last minute equipment together and to get ready.
We scrubbed pots and pans, tied ropes and got equipment. Some of us also ran off to get last minute fresh foods, like apples and meats.

Before we knew it it was the end of the night. We were all very excited and ready for Gordons, lets hope all goes well!

Well done to our Gordons teams!
Team #1-17th
Them #2-21st

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

August 2014

Friday 15 August

Present: John, Berno, P.W ( new boy Pieter-Willem)
Absent: Iain, Matthew, Megan, Daniel

This Friday it was a mad dash for Gordons. We fell in as Gordon patrols:

Team #1: John, Mitch, Iain, Frans, Berno, Matthew, Fabio, George
(but it was only Mitch Frans and Berno and myself present)
Team #2: Jana, Bryn, Dirk, Loedewyk, Kayleigh,Martin, Jayden, Damian

We grabbed all the equipment that our patrol needed, we cleaned pots and pans, we gathered together staves and ropes. Then we stopped and were told to grab an item and go to the hall. There P.W was on a seat with a blindfold on, all the objects were scattered around and the lights were switched off. We had to make it to the other side without P.W 'shooting' us with his torch and while trying to avoid various obstacles that we had brought with us. After we had, had several rounds and P.W had slayed us with his accuracy we went back to getting ready for Gordons until the end of the evening.

August 2014

Friday 8 August

Present: John, Berno
Absent: Iain, Megan, Christopher, Matthew, Daniel

This Friday we did a program that had been planned for a long time and that we were really looking foward to.
We started by explaining to the scouts that that they were stuck on a desert island. We showed them how to signal to a helicopter and get supplies. We than told them that one of our members was injured and needed assistance with our supplies. The person, who we had dressed up before the time had multiple injuries including a possible broken neck, we showed our patrols how to move them to safety correctly. We than as patrol leaders were subjected to very rigorous questioning and once they had finished Puma said a yarn and we had flag down.
Another great end to another great Friday!

Sunday, 10 August 2014

August 2014

Friday 1 August

Present: John, Iain, Berno, Daniel
Absent: Matthew, Megan, Christopher, Sheldon

I had a chess tournament this Friday, so Mitch, Berno, Fransie and myself came late to scouts, but it started with a "circle game where one person was 'it', the 'it' person walk round the circle and then place a scarf in the hands of a random person, random person then hits person to their right with the scarf. The assaulted then need to run round the circle to return to their place whilst fleeing the attacker. Once assaulted returns to their place they are safe, the attacker then walks round the circle and places the scarf in a random person's hands. Dirk was attacked most. We then had a short yarn about how the Friday meetings/ camps / activities are planned by the COH and how the PL's are responsible for guarding the honour of the troop. We than went to the hall and had a quick competition about making the six basic knots and building a stable tripod, the Seals won. When than went back to the hut and Rachell said a yarn on Shackleton, which was very interesting, after that we went back to the hall and played a ridiculous game of free - for - all with a ball and we just had to protect our tripods from the ball and the other charging patrols. We than had flag down and the end of another lovely evening.

Wednesday, 30 July 2014

July 2014

Friday 25 July 2014

Present: John, Berno, Sheldon
Absent: Iain, Matthew, Megan, Daniel, Christopher

I brought a friend to scouts, Sheldon he is very keen and may be invested. We started with flag parade in the cubs hall as they were out and we could use the hall.
We also played games there and started with a game where we were divided into two teams and we each had separate numbers and as our pairs were called out we had to compete with cardboard and a sponge or a traffic cone or rope over the line to get a goal it was very physical, but fun. Then we did a debriefing of all the activities that we did during the holiday and Puma said a yarn. We finally played one more game of North, South, East, West with a twist (which Sheldon won) and then we had flag down. (also in the hall) It was a great end to a great Friday!

Monday, 23 June 2014

June 2014

Friday 20 June

Present: John, Iain, Berno, Matthew, Christopher, Daniel
Absent: Megan

We started with another investiger, we invested Martin and it was great. We than played a game of team tag, if you are tagged you are on their team untill everyone is caught and that was great fun. We than settled down and we passed off our advansment. We finally finished with patrol corners and we discussed who was going on what during the holidays until the end of the evening.

Saturday, 14 June 2014

June 2014

Friday 13 June 2014

Present: John, Iain, Matthew, Daniel, Christopher
Absent: Megan, Berno

We started off by investing Ruan it was a very nice, he is very keen and he knows he's stuff.
Then we gathered chairs around the blackboard and drew a schedule of the holidays.
Shortly after we played a game of stalking, where 2 scouts are blindfolded and are given torches. The others have to try to get discs out of the bucket nearby, but if the 'shooters' hear any sound they flash their torches in your direction and if they hit you, you're dead. This was great fun and we all really enjoyed it.

For those of you who missed what was written down on the blackboard here it is:
  • 28 June (ski-boat training) 
  • 5&6 July (day hike with Puma) 
  • 8-10 July (Joey's Springbok camp Hawquas) 
  • 11-12/12-13 (Josie's 1st class hike) 
  • 12 July (inter-patrol ski-boat, deep sea challenge) 
  • 15 July (Curro learners go back to school) 
  • 21 July (all the others go back to school) 

If you would like to go on any of these post a comment below and I will see if we can fit you in.

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

June 2014

Friday 6th June 2014

Present: John, Iain, matthew, Megan, Daniel, Berno
Absent: Christopher

What a great night!
We started with British Bulldogs on the field, which was great fun to relieve us of some energy before the night began.
Rachell and Jana ran a lovely program involving a series of games (including British Bulldogs). We played a game in patrols where we grab each others hands and try and get free of each other. We did not do very well as we made and impenatrable knot with our arms. In the following game the patrols had to get their members over a 2 meter rope, which was great fun, our patrol unfortunatly did not get a turn to go otherwise we would be too unbelievably fast. As the others played falling staves. I set up a series of bases involving senses, which was lots of fun. At the end I think that each patrol won a base. We had a nice flag down and milled around until the end of the evening.